
I'm a writer and editor who's traveled throughout the U.S. in search of fabulous plant-based meals, eco-friendly stays, and much, much more. Here, at the FlexitarianRx I highlight favorite recipes, eateries, destinations, products, and maybe a few other things too ... a journalist by trade, I studied plant-based nutrition through Cornell University and am eager to share what I know and what I'm still learning. I support responsible agriculture, sustainable fisheries and just about anything and everything that promotes conscious living. Like what you see? Feel free to reach out,, as I am always looking for like-minded individuals and companies to connect with. Thanks for stopping by.

“Good food and good eating are about risk. Every once in a while an oyster, for instance, will make you sick to your stomach. Does this mean you should stop eating oysters? No way.”― Anthony Bourdain